
Add Door Tool Missing Design Builder

DesignBuilder FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions on topics related to DesignBuilder.

Can DesignBuilder use IP units?

Yes - you can select this from the Program Options dialog on the Tool menu.

Can I define my own facades with different window types, lintels, doors etc in DesignBuilder?

Yes, you can draw windows, doors, vents, holes and opaque sub-surfaces by going to the surface level and using the draw tools. In the current version of the software (Version 1.0) you can only have one type of window per surface. This limitation will be lifted in a future version.

Can I import CAD data?

You can import DXF files using the Files | Import | Import DXF data menu command. Note that you need to know the units of your DXF data. The DXF data can be moved around the model once it is imported, but only one set of DXF data can be imported at a time. Once the CAD data has been imported into the model, the source DXF file is no longer needed by DesignBuilder and can be moved or deleted.

Can HVAC systems be modelled?

There are two ways of modelling HVAC systems in DesignBuilder:

* 'Compact' descriptions in which the system is defined using simple data which is then expanded into detailed EnergyPlus HVAC data sets. * 'Simple' in which heating and cooling loads are calculated using the idealised EnergyPlus 'purchased air' system and from these heating and cooling

In both cases data generic default data can be loaded from template and energy consumption/CO2 emission data is calculated as a post process using seasonal boiler efficiency and chiller COP data. You can select which of these options to use from the Model Options dialog.

Is DesignBuilder suitable for modelling natural ventilation?

Yes, DesignBuilder allows two levels of model detail in this area:

* 'Scheduled', in which you define the natural ventilation rate and its operation and * 'Calculated' in which you define opening and crack sizes, pressure coefficients and control strategies and energy plus/COMIS calculates the natural ventilation flow rate including consideration of wind and buoyancy driven air flows.

You can select which of these options to use from the Model Options dialog.

How can I use DesignBuilder to create an EnergyPlus IDF file?

DesignBuilder stores the EnergyPlus input data as 'in.idf' in the 'EnergyPlus' folder below the DesignBuilder installation folder (typically c:\program files\DesignBuilder\EnergyPlus). To create this file, load your model and click on the simulation tab to start a simulation (you can cancel it once the simulation has started). You can access this file using the 'Tools | Display simulation input script' menu command.

How can I make the text to larger on DesignBuilder results graphs?

You can get larger text on your graph by opening the Appearance header in the Display Options data panel and setting the Font size to 'Large'. Hardware and OS

Also see Hardware Requirements.

What graphics card do you recommend?

Most mid-range and better graphics adapters are suitable for use with DesignBuilder including the Radeon range from ATI and the cards from Nvidia.

You must install the latest drivers for your graphics adapter, especially if you are having stability or graphic display problems with DesignBuilder.

This is because DesignBuilder uses advanced OpenGL features and some of these features were not fully implemented in early driver releases. This is particularly true of many of the ATI Radeon drivers. Here is a link to the ATI web site where you can download drivers for your ATI adapters:

Which operating systems does DesignBuilder Support?

DesignBuilder supports Windows XP and Windows 2000.

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT are not supported.

Why can't I install DesignBuilder on my computer?

You must be logged on with Administrator privileges to the machine on which you are installing DesignBuilder. Otherwise you will receive error messages during installation and the software will not run.

To check if you are Administrator, do the following:

1. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Users and Passwords (or User Accounts). 2. Find the current username (yours) and look in the group column. It should say: 'Administrators' or 'Computer administrator'. 3. If this is not the case, contact your IT department to become Administrator, or to have someone with Administrator privileges install the program on the machine.


Can I define my own building constructions?

Yes. To define a new wall construction (for example), click on the components tab in the Explorer window, select the category of wall you would like to add and click on the 'Add' toolbar button immediately above the Navigator window.

Will my additions to the templates and component libraries be overwritten when I install a new version?

DesignBuilder stores your templates and component library data in a series of .dat files which you can access from the 'File | Folders | Library data' menu command. These files are retained when the software is uninstalled. When you install a new version of DesignBuilder and run it for the first time, any data you entered in the old libraries is merged with the new libraries. This ensures that you keep any data you created, while receiving the latest DesignBuilder template and component data.

How can I make sure any new template and component data I enter is available to new models?

All templates defined will be available to new models. Also, when you define components from the initial DesignBuilder Data screen (i.e. when no model is loaded), these will be available to new models. When you first create a model, the components from the system library are copied to the model and any component you add while a model is open will be added to that model and not to the DesignBuilder component library. There is an option to copy a model component to the library. This can be accessed by opening the component dialogue, opening the help window to the right of this dialogue (by clicking on the arrow on the very right of the dialogue) and selecting the link at the bottom to copy the component to the library. Registration and login

Why do I need to register before downloading DesignBuilder?

Registration verifies your email address and unlocks areas of the site for example downloads and product support forums. Also should you choose to purchase DesignBuilder we know invoice information and license keys will be emailed to the correct place.

Why can't I login to the site?

Most likely your browser is blocking cookies. In Internet Explorer select Tools -> Internet Options... -> Privacy and make sure it's not set to Block All Cookies. We have (as of 18-Jan-06) a P3P compact privacy policy so IE should work in the High privacy setting. If that fails set it to allow cookies for or set Privacy to Medium High. Other browsers also have cookie blocking options. For example in Firefox use Tools -> Options... -> Privacy -> Cookies to control the cookie settings.

Note: Cookies are strings of information exchanged by a website and browser in order to maintain conext information. they are needed to maintain site login or shopping cart information.

Add Door Tool Missing Design Builder


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